Usage of sphygmomanometer

The mountain stream is clear and hazy Ask questions at 12:30:16 on March 28, 2024
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The sphygmomanometer is an important tool for monitoring blood pressure, which is divided into electronic sphygmomanometer and mercury sphygmomanometer. Electronic sphygmomanometers are more widely used. It is an important tool for monitoring blood pressure outside the hospital. The use of electronic sphygmomanometer mainly includes the following points: First, you can go to the toilet 20 minutes before measuring blood pressure. Holding your urine will have a certain impact on blood pressure. Then sit at the table, don't exercise, don't smoke, etc. 2、 Wait for 15 minutes, relax, exhaust the air from the cuff of the electronic sphygmomanometer, and block it on the left or right arm. Pay attention to be flush with the heart, and do not wear clothes as thick as sweaters. The cuff should contact the skin or only have thin clothes. 3、 Open the start button of the electronic sphygmomanometer for measurement. According to the manual of the electronic sphygmomanometer, see the measurement time, and the specific manual of the electronic sphygmomanometer shall prevail. 4、 During the measurement, the arm should be relaxed, the palm should be open, and the fist should not be clenched. After 3-5 minutes of rest, take another measurement, and the average value is the result of this measurement. The best time to measure is one hour after getting up and one hour before going to bed.

The mountain stream is clear and hazy 2024-04-01 16:59:44

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