How to deal with enteritis with abdominal pain

I want to shine Ask questions at 15:42:08, April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

Enteritis can be divided into acute enteritis and chronic enteritis. The main manifestations should be abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal distension, etc. Therefore, abdominal pain should be one of the main symptoms of acute and chronic enteritis. If abdominal pain occurs, it may be caused by bacteria or virus toxin stimulating the intestines, or it may be caused by cold stimulating the intestines, causing abdominal pain caused by intestinal spasm. If this situation is acute, it can be diagnosed through routine stool tests, blood tests and other tests, and can be targeted for treatment. If it is chronic, you can check the colonoscopy to determine which kind of chronic enteritis is, and then you can take targeted treatment.

I want to shine 2024-04-07 11:09:02

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