What is the cause of retrosternal pain

Sakura of Fog Island Ask questions on 2024-03-28 00:44:21
Recommended answer

For patients with pain at the back of the sternum, this situation is mostly related to lung disease, pleural disease and esophageal disease, which will cause obvious pain at the back of the sternum. Generally, the pain of lung and pleura diseases will be obviously aggravated when deep breathing and coughing; The diseases in the esophagus are often accompanied by obvious belching and acid regurgitation, so it is better to perform chest CT, barium meal or gastroscope examination in the esophagus and stomach after this situation occurs, mainly to see what causes the pain, and to adopt systematic treatment to alleviate the pain of patients according to the cause.

Sakura of Fog Island 2024-04-01 16:58:23

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