How to treat fat necrosis in acute pancreatitis

A real traveler's province is boundless Ask questions at 00:47:58, March 26, 2024
Recommended answer

The fat necrosis of acute pancreatitis can be treated with antibiotics under the guidance of doctors. The patient's disease is mainly caused by bacterial infection. In the early stage, nausea and vomiting may occur. In severe cases, concurrent infection may occur, or bacteria may enter the blood. The patients suffering from acute disease are forbidden to eat. During the recovery period, the diet must be light and easy to digest. You can drink more millet porridge, which is easy to digest. It can also regulate the spleen and stomach, and relieve gastrointestinal nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms.

A real traveler's province is boundless 2024-04-01 16:59:44

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