How many stages of colon cancer

Plain white skirt Questions were asked on March 31, 2024 at 03:00:15
Recommended answer

Colon cancer is generally divided into four stages, and the first stage refers to that the cancer is confined to the intestinal wall without lymph node metastasis. Phase II refers to the cancer penetrating the serous layer, but there is no lymph node metastasis. Stage III colon cancer refers to the occurrence of lymph node metastasis. Stage IV colon cancer belongs to advanced stage, which refers to invasion of surrounding tissues and organs or distant metastasis. If the patient has stage I colon cancer, it is early and can be cured through thorough surgery. Through radical resection of colon cancer, the cancer, the long enough intestinal segment and the corresponding regional lymph nodes of the intestinal segment are removed. If the patient has stage II or III colon cancer, it belongs to the middle stage. After surgery, it should also be supplemented with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other comprehensive treatment to prolong the survival period of the patient as far as possible.

Plain white skirt 2024-04-01 16:59:41

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