What's the matter with my male urine and blood

Like to be confused Ask on 2024-03-31 02:00:45
Recommended answer

Urine blood is a common symptom of the urinary system. The causes of male urine blood are mainly as follows: First, there may be malignant tumors of the urinary system, including kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra, prostate cancer, and there may be painless and intermittent gross hematuria. 2、 There may be urinary system stones, including upper urinary tract stones, such as kidney and ureter stones, activity related low back pain and hematuria, and lower urinary tract stones, such as bladder and urinary tract stones, which may cause pain in urination, difficulty in urination, interruption of urination, and terminal hematuria. 3、 There may be acute infection of urinary system, including acute upper urinary tract infection and acute lower urinary tract infection, and symptoms such as low back pain, dysuria, urgency of urination, frequency of urination, terminal hematuria or gross hematuria, fever, chills, fatigue, etc. may occur. 4、 Trauma of urinary system may also cause obvious hematuria.

Like to be confused 2024-04-01 16:52:51

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