How to deal with senile hyperosteogeny and lumbago

A happy life Ask questions at 13:42:36, March 27, 2024
Recommended answer

If the elderly suffer from low back pain due to hyperosteogeny, the following treatment measures can be taken: 1. Such patients need to pass a series of auxiliary examinations to determine the severity of hyperosteogeny. 2. If the doctor thinks that the degree of hyperosteogeny here is relatively light after evaluation, such patients can choose conservative treatment. At this time, the doctor will require the patient to stay in bed strictly for a period of time, and use a series of anti-inflammatory, detumescent and pain killing drugs to treat him. In addition, it may also assist patients with acupuncture, massage, herbal fumigation, traction, cupping and other physical therapy. During the treatment of such patients, if there is obvious pain in the local area, the pain point can also be closed, or ozone injection can be done. 3. If the doctor thinks that the hyperosteogeny here is particularly serious after assessment, for example, the patient will be operated on at a selected time to remove the hyperosteogeny. After surgery, patients need to be treated conservatively.

A happy life 2024-04-01 16:56:08

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