How to deal with pulmonary capillary hemorrhage

Self floating forest Ask questions at 10:13:00 on March 29, 2024
Recommended answer

Pulmonary capillary hemorrhage may lead to hemoptysis or blood in sputum. Drug treatment may be given according to the amount of hemoptysis. If the hemoptysis volume is less than 5mL, you can take Yunnan Baiyao orally, drink more water, drink some fruit juice, and properly supplement some vitamin C for treatment. For massive pulmonary hemoptysis, it is mostly seen in bronchiectasis, pneumonia, lung cancer, tuberculosis, etc. At the same time of applying anti infective drugs, hemostatic drugs, such as Zhixuedin, hemostatic aromatic acid, pituitrin, etc., should be administered intravenously. If necessary, bronchoscope can be used for hemostasis. In terms of diet, we should try to focus on liquid and semi liquid food rather than hard food.

Self floating forest 2024-04-01 16:41:13

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