How is infantile enteritis caused

Siyue Ask on April 3, 2024-17:00:54
Recommended answer

The causes of infantile enteritis mainly include the following aspects: 1. Diet. Improper diet or unclean food may cause diarrhea and vomiting. 2. Environment. If the family is cold, the child's abdomen is cold or infected with viruses or bacteria, causing gastrointestinal inflammation, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms. If the child has enteritis symptoms, if it is not serious, he can feed some light salt water, and under the guidance of the doctor, take orally symptomatic drugs to regulate gastrointestinal flora and function. If the symptoms are not alleviated after taking the medicine, it is recommended to take them to the hospital as soon as possible to complete relevant examinations, namely blood routine examination, fecal routine examination, stool culture, etc., and to check clearly and determine the cause before targeted treatment. Pay attention to food hygiene and abdominal warmth in daily life.

Siyue 2024-04-07 12:01:39

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