What should I do when I suddenly feel nervous

Allure Homme Ask on April 5, 2024:02:36
Recommended answer

The following points should be done when you are suddenly nervous or flustered: 1. When you are suddenly nervous or flustered, you need to keep quiet and rest to avoid excessive anxiety. 2. When tension and panic suddenly occur, it needs to consider the environment at that time. For example, if the environment is noisy and tense, it is necessary to get out of the disturbed environment in time and keep calm and relaxed. 3. In case of sudden nervousness and palpitation, it is necessary to seek medical advice immediately to improve ECG and cardiac ultrasound examination, observe the change of heart rate, and observe whether there is ST-T segment change. If it is caused by arrhythmia, drugs should be taken to correct the arrhythmia, and if it is serious, radiofrequency ablation should be performed. 4. In case of sudden tension and panic, it is also necessary to consider the past organic heart disease and chronic disease. If there are chronic diseases, it is necessary to actively deal with chronic diseases, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, etc.

Allure Homme 2024-04-07 11:07:50

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