How to Cure Nerve Compression Caused by Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion

Xiaoxiang Night Rain Ask questions on 2024-03-27 22:44:11
Recommended answer

Lumbar disc herniation is due to the degenerative changes of the lumbar spine, such as the reduction of the water content of the nucleus pulposus, the reduction of the tenacity of the fibrous ring, and the instability of the lumbar intervertebral body. The main symptom was low back pain with radiation pain of lower limbs. Most patients with lumbar disc herniation can be relieved or cured by non-surgical treatment. There are several main methods: absolute bed rest, traction treatment, physical therapy, massage, etc. If the medical history is more than three months, the strict conservative treatment is invalid or the conservative treatment is effective, but the patient often relapses and has severe pain, the lower limb numbness continues to worsen, and the patient is accompanied by cauda equina nerve compression, so it is necessary to recheck the MRI examination and require surgical treatment.

Xiaoxiang Night Rain 2024-04-01 16:58:13

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