How to recuperate kidney yang deficiency and spleen yang deficiency

Epiphyllum reticulatum Ask questions at 11:37:06, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Kidney yang deficiency and spleen yang deficiency refer to a series of symptoms caused by exogenous cold pathogen or irregular diet for a long time, which lead to the simultaneous existence of spleen yang deficiency and kidney yang deficiency. In the process of daily recuperation, such patients should first pay attention to eating more warm food, such as mutton, dog meat, chicken, leek, cinnamon, etc. In case of yang deficiency diarrhea, you can eat some food to stop diarrhea and warm yang, such as dried ginger, Chinese prickly ash, glutinous rice, etc., and eat less cold food, such as duck, pork, bananas, honey, spinach, etc. These foods will aggravate the spleen and kidney yang deficiency due to the severe cold. In addition to diet, we should pay attention to the regular pattern of work and rest in our daily life, and do not stay up late. Staying up late is very important for the damage of human yang. Patients with serious conditions can choose some Chinese medicines to warm and replenish yang under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine doctors for conditioning, and can also use traditional Chinese medicine moxibustion to warm the kidney, help yang, and strengthen the spleen.

Epiphyllum reticulatum 2024-04-07 11:09:02

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