What to do with anal fissure and mixed hemorrhoid

Home and everything Ask questions at 06:54:28, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

If the patient suffers from mixed hemorrhoids and anal fissure at the same time, active treatment should be carried out as soon as possible. Anal fissure usually causes local severe pain in the anus, especially after defecation or when the stool is dry. Mixed hemorrhoids are accompanied by local bleeding, prolapse or mild pain. So if mixed hemorrhoids and anal fissure exist at the same time, the local discomfort of the patient's anus is very obvious. The treatment method is mainly surgery, using external stripping and internal ligation of mixed hemorrhoids, combined with internal sphincter side cutting, and if necessary, using methylene blue injection for nerve block. Ensure regular and unobstructed stool after operation, avoid pain or bleeding due to stool stimulating local wound mucosa, and develop good eating habits. Do not drink alcohol or eat spicy food within six months after operation.

Home and everything 2024-04-07 12:05:18

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