What traditional Chinese medicine is good for liver

Young Ask on 2024-04-07 02:05:31
Recommended answer

Chinese medicines that are good for the liver include chrysanthemum, cassia seed, privet fruit, mulberry, medlar, white peony, etc. Chrysanthemum has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, clearing liver and improving eyesight; Cassia seed has the effect of clearing away heat, brightening eyes, moistening intestines and relieving constipation, and can treat eye pain caused by liver heat, shame, tears and other symptoms; Ligustrum lucidum has the function of nourishing liver and kidney, improving eyesight, and can treat the symptoms of waist and knee weakness, insomnia and dreaminess, tinnitus and deafness, memory loss, blurred vision, etc. caused by yin deficiency of liver and kidney; Mulberry has the effect of nourishing blood, producing fluid and moistening dryness. It can nourish the liver and kidney, and can treat dizziness, tinnitus, poor joints, insomnia, white hair, etc; Lycium barbarum can nourish liver and kidney, and benefit essence tomorrow; White peony has the effects of nourishing blood and astringing yin, softening liver and relieving pain, and calming liver and suppressing yang. It can treat various symptoms caused by liver blood deficiency, disharmony between liver and spleen, and hyperactivity of liver yang.

Young 2024-04-07 11:54:08

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