Must ct be done for mycoplasma pneumonia

Maturity after innocence Ask questions on 2024-06-14 12:02:54
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Mycoplasma pneumonia is a disease with high incidence in autumn and winter every year, and it is also a relatively popular disease recently. It is infectious to a certain extent, and many children are easy to get sick. Mycoplasma pneumonia is not necessary to take CT, which depends on individual condition, and follow the doctor's advice!

Must ct be done for mycoplasma pneumonia

For mycoplasma pneumonia, it is not necessary to take CT, mainly depending on the severity of the disease. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital for relevant examinations, and then choose appropriate treatment plans. For severe patients, oxygen inhalation and other measures are also needed.

1. No need to take CT: if the patient's condition of mycoplasma pneumonia is not particularly serious and belongs to a mild disease, but only has symptoms such as cough and headache, and does not have complications such as pleuritis or pulmonary bullae, generally no need to take CT, they can be treated by antibiotics, such as doxycycline hydrochloride tablets or levofloxacin hydrochloride tablets, It can usually control the development of the disease;

2. Need to take CT: if the patient with mycoplasma pneumonia is in a serious condition and has obvious cough, dyspnea, pleurisy and other symptoms, and also has complications, such as meningitis, myocarditis, etc., the condition can generally be determined through CT examination. In addition, if patients are allergic to azithromycin or cephalosporins, they can also choose roxithromycin capsules and other drugs for treatment;

Must I take a film for mycoplasma pneumonia

If it is considered that mycoplasma pneumonia requires chest imaging examination, both chest radiography and chest CT can be considered. The specific type of examination can follow the advice of the outpatient doctor. In addition, you can also check mycoplasma antibody and other tests.

In addition to the above measures, patients can also use diet conditioning to assist in treatment. For example, they can eat light food, such as millet porridge, pumpkin porridge or rotten noodles. They can also drink some spareribs soup or fish soup properly to supplement the nutrition needed by the body.

It is suggested that patients with mycoplasma pneumonia should go to the respiratory department of the hospital in time to make clear diagnosis through blood routine test, throat swab culture, etc., and treat under the guidance of doctors.

How to diagnose mycoplasma pneumonia

The diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia should first be judged according to the clinical symptoms of the patient, and then combined with the relevant auxiliary examinations such as lung auscultation, serological examination, blood routine examination, and lung CT examination to make a clear diagnosis.

Mycoplasma pneumonia is a disease caused by infection with mycoplasma bacteria. If the symptoms of cough, sore throat, runny nose, and sneeze persist for three weeks during the diagnosis, chest CT should be used to confirm the diagnosis. Mycoplasma pneumonia will have interstitial changes in the early stage, and there will be infiltration and patches in the subsequent development. There is a moist rale in the auscultation lung. If the blood routine examination is normal at this time, the preliminary diagnosis can be made as Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. The accurate diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia should be further confirmed by pathogenic examination and serological examination.

For the treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia, drugs for mycoplasma bacteria such as azithromycin should be selected for treatment. The treatment time is generally about 1 to 2 weeks. It is recommended that patients should pay more attention to rest at ordinary times, avoid catching cold, drink more water, eat a light diet, and avoid spicy and irritating food.

Maturity after innocence 2024-06-17 10:41:24

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