The Adventures of Xiaohu Immortal Often Do It Has Longevity Gene 125

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Review of the past: In the last issue, we said that when Wanyan was delivering fruit to Xiaohu Xian, Xiaohu Xian almost let slip her tongue, so Wanyan asked her about her mother. Xiaohu Xian hurriedly prevaricated, and then let Wanyan go. After Wanyan left, she felt very strange when facing Xiaohu Xian who was a little different just now, and decided to go back to the room to pack things and go home to have a look, In the office, Xiaohu Xian was in no mood to see a doctor.

You're hiding from me

"It's not a way for us to keep it a secret." The little gourd fairy lay down on the table.

"You lied, not me." Sulfur Xuan didn't point out the point to face.

"Well, I'm not afraid of what she will do with her personality. If she really knows that her mother has cancer, she should burn the house in our hospital." Xiaohu Xian complained while pouring tea.

"Not really, but if she is really impatient, the health resort will not be able to keep her." Thiao gave her opinion appropriately.

Xiaohu Xian jumped down from the table and casually took a work suit from the coat hanger and put it on: "Go to the ward round, will you go?"

"No, I still have something to do. Can't you handle this little thing?"

"That's what I said. If you really go, I'm still in a trance."

Thiao drank the tea on the table and dressed: "Come on, let me see how absent-minded you are."

get home

Chen Myrrh looked at the flustered face of packing things and said, "Do you want me to go back with you?"

Chen Myrrh helped Wanyan take things and asked Wanyan to rent a car. He went to the roadside store to buy various gifts. When Wanyan rented a carriage, Chen Myrrh almost filled the carriage, but there were still some things that could not be filled.

Wanyan was a little surprised at all the things that Chen Myrrh bought, and hurriedly asked Chen Myrrh to return them. Chen Myrrh, as the eldest son of Zhu Chuan's Chen family, went to the Li Yuan Xu family to borrow a car to drive, and then put all the things into the back seat and trunk, and drove directly to Wanyan's door.

Wanyan knew that Chen Myrrh just wanted to make her happy, and then wanted to show her to her mother that she was not a sick child who would fall down when the wind blew. Wanyan pursed her lips, did not speak, and bent her head to play with her key chain. Instead, the villagers around came to see the excitement.

"Isn't the girl of Wanyan Family mentally ill? She is so lucky to find such a good family."

"This young man is not simple. Where is the eldest son of the Chen family in Zhuchuan? The pharmacy has gone abroad."


Wanyan listened to the villagers' whispers, looked at Chen Myrrh, took a deep breath, and opened the door. She was ready to go home happily to see her mother, and was ready to hide the fact that her mother had known her illness.

After Wanyan got out of the car, she directly removed a lot of sugar from the back seat of the car. Every villager came to give a hand, and Chen Myrrh also helped to give the sugar. She had a good chat with the villagers. Wanyan's mother heard some noise outside, opened the door to see what was going on, but found that Wanyan and Chen Myrrh were sending candy together at the door.

"Mother Jie, how lucky you are! Now the daughter and her son-in-law are coming to see you, so don't let them in." The villager reminded Wanyan's mother, who was a little stunned. Wanyan's mother responded and quickly opened the door happily: "Fast forward, fast forward."

The three people had a harmonious lunch. Chen Myrrh was even happy to drink some wine, but he was too drunk to drink. After only one drink, he became confused. He went to the guest room to take a nap. Wanyan quietly helped his mother clean the dishes in the kitchen and tidy up the kitchen things. Wanyan asked, "Mom, have you had any trouble at home recently?"

"No, what's the matter?" Wanyan's mother was confused when asked.

How to improve longevity gene

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Although pressure can't be seen or touched, nor can you tell what it is, it will really affect a person's life span. Mr. Thiao said that he should not put too much pressure on himself. He should take regular exercise, go for a walk or exercise, eat more coarse grains, eat less leftovers, eat more fish, supplement more natural vitamins, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, have a vegetable garden at home, eat fresh vegetables, go to bed early and get up early, and don't stay up late at night to get a sweater, This can change their longevity genes, which can lead to longevity. "

Wanyan's mother was stunned for a moment and continued to tidy up the firewood: "What am I going to do if I want to live a long life? It's fate to die and live. My daughter is so old that I can close my eyes and rest assured."

Wanyan tried hard to hold back his crying voice: "That's no good. You have to live well and help me take care of the children."

Wanyan's mother casually took out a candy from her pocket and threw it into her mouth: "Big girls are not married yet. Where's the child? Nonsense."

Wanyan smiled: "I'm going to use a metaphor. You must listen to my words and live a happy life. Now there is nothing to worry about at home. You have been worried about my marriage before, but myrrh is really a good person. Although he is not in good health, he has been recuperated by sulfur. Everything is going to be better. You must also be good, Otherwise, no matter how happy it is, it is also missing a piece. "

Wanyan hopes to encourage her mother to fight cancer through other ways, and reminds her of a lot of bright future to help her mother regain confidence. Just when Wanyan and Chen Myrrh were resting quietly in their hometown, Xiaohu Xian found that Wanyan and Chen Myrrh were missing after checking the room, and everyone began to find them in panic, Only sulfur sticks should eat and sleep like nobody else. More exciting, let's watch the next issue!

Love you as always 2024-06-20 11:20:35

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