Do you know the harm of sitting for a long time

Flat Mirror Coast Ask questions at 19:56:32, June 17, 2024
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Do you know what the biggest health hazard is now? "Long sitting"! Yes, that's right! For some people with weak health awareness, walking is the limit, and daily exercise has become a "luxury". Sitting for a long time will affect the poor circulation of qi and blood. Therefore, people who sit for a long time often feel backache. Why? Now let's take a look at the dangers of sitting for a long time and the secret of how to sit for a long time without tiredness without affecting your health.

1、 Hazards of sedentary

1. Decreased cardiac function

The heart is one of the important organs of the human body. If you can't sit up and exercise for a long time, it will slow down the blood circulation, so people's demand for the heart will also be reduced, and long-term accumulation will cause the decline of heart function. The decline and atrophy of heart function is also the cause of hypertension and other diseases.

2. Colorectal cancer

People often say: "Ten people and nine hemorrhoids". The sedentary people are the high risk group of hemorrhoids. Many people think it doesn't matter if blood comes from stool. Next time, just pay attention to your diet. In fact, inconvenient bleeding is one of the primary symptoms of colorectal cancer. Once you find that you have blood in your stool, you must go to a doctor for inspection in time to prevent problems and eliminate hidden dangers in time.

3. The Curse of Female Infertility

Women are a special group. Due to the particularity of the body, if you sit for a long time, you will often have severe pain before and between periods. Because of sitting for a long time and lack of exercise, it leads to the obstruction of blood circulation and obstructs the fallopian tube; Some will have endometriosis due to the relationship between sedentary and personal constitution, which is the killer of female infertility.

4. Causing nervous system diseases

Sitting for a long time and not exercising, the blood circulation slows down, resulting in insufficient blood and qi in the brain, and the symptoms are mental depression. Standing up suddenly often causes dizziness and other symptoms. In serious cases, it will also affect the quality of sleep, lack of concentration at work, and even lead to anxiety and depression.

5. Cause stiff lumbar spine disease

Due to long-term sitting and incorrect sitting posture, maintaining a fixed posture for a long time, it is easy to exert strength, keep the soft tissue in tension for a long time, and have soft tissue ischemia, which will lead to strength and waist injury.

6. Caudate injury

Some people often feel a dull pain in the buttocks and tailbone, and often feel restless. This problem can easily be ignored by us. Usually sitting for a long time and incorrect sitting posture compress the caudal nerve, so there is tenderness and dull pain near the buttocks and coccyx, which is one of the main manifestations of coccyx injury.

7. The culprit of obesity

As a result of sitting still for a long time, the fat and starch taken in by the body are converted into fat and stored in the body, leading to obesity. Obesity is very easy to cause various health diseases. A large number of lipids accumulate in the body, leading to insufficient blood supply of the whole body tissue system and accelerating the onset of major diseases.

8. Constipation

Constipation is a common and complex symptom, which is inevitable for sedentary people. Staying still for a long time will reduce the peristalsis of the intestine, and the stool will be deposited in the intestine. After a long time, the water will be lost, resulting in dry stool, which will lead to constipation.

2、 These little moves help you find your health

1. Tiptoe

When you sit up, move your feet and exercise together. First, slowly lift your toes off the ground, lift them up and down, and transfer them back and forth several times; Stand on tiptoe and leave your heels off the ground. Repeat the steps of lifting and lowering.

2. Leg lift

Sit up straight with your legs straight off the ground, and shift your weight to your legs to relax.

3. Chest enlargement

First, raise your head and straighten your chest, sit up straight, stretch your arms backward, and then return to normal, so as to achieve the goal of relaxation.

4. Stretch one's waist

For some office workers, the whole body muscles are tense for most of the day, and the sitting and standing posture remains unchanged. At this time, you can move your hands, stretch your waist, stretch your arms parallel, stretch back, hold your hands in a fist shape, raise your hands slowly over the top of your head, shake them from side to side, and help your shoulders relax.

5. Put a cushion on the chair

Put a decompression cushion on the chair to reduce the pressure of our sitting and standing. This decompression cushion can disperse the pressure of buttocks and vertebrae, making sitting more convenient and comfortable.

6. Move

Generally, people who like to sit for a long time have a common problem: "laziness". Then, it's better to move, which is more conducive to health. When TV is broadcasting advertisements, go to get a glass of water, which can replenish water and exercise.

When you go upstairs, do not take the elevator, climb the stairs, healthy and lose weight. Sit less every day and move more healthily.

Conclusion: Finally, I want to tell you. Sitting for a long time is easy to cause various diseases, which is not only a feasible measure to speed up work efficiency, but also a culprit to harm human health. As an office worker, you must be alert to the occurrence of diseases caused by sitting for a long time. The above introduces some tips for staying seated for a long time, which can help you relax in your busy work and prevent our health from being harmed by sitting for a long time. I hope everyone can enjoy every day healthily and happily.

Flat Mirror Coast 2024-06-20 11:20:42

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