What is the power that cheated more than 1.3 million people away by "mysterious power" after 2000?

Happy Harbor Ask questions on 2024-06-14 06:56:15
Recommended answer

It is a kind of deception. Some lawbreakers use people's superstitious psychology and greed to cheat. A news story about being cheated of more than 1.3 million yuan by "mysterious forces" after 00 has attracted wide attention. It is reported that the post-00s were cheated by a person who claimed to be "mysterious power", which eventually led to huge property losses. The so-called "mysterious power" does not exist. It is just a trick. Some criminals use people's superstition and greed to cheat. These outlaws usually use various mysterious and supernatural guises to make people feel mysterious and incredible, make people lose their reason and easily believe their words.

In this case, the post-00s were deceived by a person who claimed to be a descendant of "mysterious power". This person claimed that he could help people predict the future, change their destiny, and make people obtain wealth and happiness through mysterious power. These words sound very mysterious and attractive, and it is easy for people to have an illusion of "mysterious power" and easily believe the words of liars. This kind of deception often takes advantage of people's greed.

The post-00s originally believed the words of the swindler and kept sending money to the swindler because they wanted to make money quickly. This shows that people's greed is often one of the important means for cheats to cheat. The cheats will take advantage of people's greed to make people have the illusion of "making fast money", easily believe their words, and constantly send money to them.

This kind of deception is not new. It has existed for decades. However, with the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the means and methods of this deception are constantly updated and upgraded. Now it is more necessary to be vigilant at all times, not to believe anyone's words easily, not to lose your head because of temporary greed, and to provide opportunities for cheats. In this case, I remind you again to be vigilant, not to believe anyone's words easily, not to lose your mind because of temporary greed, but also to strengthen the understanding and understanding of this deception, so as to better prevent and avoid being cheated.

Happy Harbor 2024-06-17 10:33:48

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