Will there be late spring cold in the middle and late March 2023

Arisaema Ask questions on 2024-06-13 18:59:19
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It is often asked whether there will be a late spring cold in the middle and late March 2023. After all, it has already entered the spring, so many regions will experience short-term warming. However, it is rare for the cold to return to the warm at first because it is not yet nine days old. The following small series will show you how the late spring cold in March is.

Will there be late spring cold in the middle and late March 2023


It is often discussed whether there will be late spring cold in the middle and late March 2023. According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Station, cold air will continue to come. It is expected that China will usher in two rounds of strong cold air from March 20 to 22, and from March 24 to 26. These two rounds of strong cold air will cause a wide range of rain and snow processes in China, with the average precipitation of 20~35mm nationwide, 40~60mm in southern China, and more than 100mm in some areas.

How about the late spring cold in March

It depends on the situation. There will be some time in March if it is not too late, so it is too early to say whether there will be a late spring cold in March. It depends on how to judge the day when the insects are awakened. However, it is cold to wake up and stay in winter again. It only describes that the weather is still cold for some time. There is a difference between this cold and the ninth cold, and it is not very cold. After all, all the dormant animals will wake up after waking up.

How low is the last cold in spring

Many friends asked how much temperature was lower than in the last spring. Generally speaking, in meteorology, when the temperature dropped rapidly after frequent attacks of strong cold air, the lowest temperature was below 5 degrees, and lasted for more than 1-2 weeks, it was called "the last spring cold".

Arisaema 2024-06-17 10:31:30

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