Is Huaercao toxic? What are the symptoms of Huaercao poisoning

seasonal views Ask questions on 2024-06-14 00:25:19
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Eating too much is toxic, and vomiting and abdominal pain may occur. In today's Yibin City, Sichuan Province, a family of six ate wild vegetables after picking them, but unexpectedly, they accidentally ate Hua'er Grass, which eventually led to the poisoning of the whole family. At that time, a family went to visit the tomb and confused the two kinds of wild vegetables. After eating them, vomiting and abdominal pain occurred, and they were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, Is Hua'er herb toxic?

Is Hua'er herb toxic

This is a kind of common wild plant, which can play the role of detumescence and pain relief in monoyuan, and is often used in some external treatments. But if you eat it directly, it will do some harm to the human body, because this kind of grass is toxic, and its toxicity is particularly easy to cause poisoning. This kind of grass contains a variety of toxins, The main one is aristolochia, which is the main component of the toxin. If you eat too much, it will irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing abdominal pain. If the diarrhea is more serious, it will cause damage to the liver function, cause breathing difficulties, and endanger life.

What are the symptoms of poisoning

After eating this poisonous herb by mistake, people will suffer from dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, limb weakness and other symptoms. At the very beginning, there will be some symptoms, so you must pay special attention. Once you find that you have eaten the poisonous herb by mistake, you must call the emergency number as soon as possible, In serious cases, remember to call an ambulance for emesis and catharsis and then eat for 1-2 hours to induce vomiting, which can effectively promote the excretion of poisoned food.

Do not pick and eat at will

There are a lot of wild vegetables in spring, so when picking or using some wild plants, you must carefully identify them, check whether they are toxic or not, and do not eat them when you are unfamiliar with them, and do not pick them randomly. For example, some plants that appear to be non-toxic may contain toxicity, There are more weeds in spring, which is also easy to cause misunderstanding. Many weeds have similar appearance, name and purpose, and will be mistaken.

seasonal views 2024-06-17 10:33:55

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