Is Guasha a way to invigorate or deflate? Is Guasha harmful to the body

Rover Ask questions on 2024-06-16 14:40:18
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Now many people like scraping to remove dampness. Does this scraping belong to invigorating the body or deflating it? Will scraping have an improper effect on the body?

Is Guasha to Replenish or Depress

If there are both tonifying and reducing methods for scraping, it needs to be determined according to the condition. Like acupuncture, scraping therapy can be divided into tonifying method, reducing method and tonifying and smoothing reducing method. The tonifying and reducing methods of scraping are mutually opposite, opposite and interrelated, which are related to many factors such as the weight of scraping force, speed, time, length and direction of scraping.

The scraping method is generally that the pressure of scraping and wiping is low, the speed of scraping and wiping is slow, the stimulation time is long, and there are few points of scraping and wiping; The catharsis method is scraping and wiping with high pressure, fast scraping speed, short stimulation time, many points of discharge, and cupping after scraping; The method of reinforcing and reducing is between reinforcing method and reducing method.

The scraping manipulation with short operation time, shallow force penetration and limited scope of action, which has an exciting effect on skin, muscle and cells, is called the tonic method. On the contrary, the manipulation with long operation time, deep force penetration and wide scope of action, which has an inhibitory effect on skin and muscle tissue, is called the catharsis method. The operation of scraping along the running direction of the meridians is the tonic method, while the operation of scraping against the running direction of the meridians is the laxative method. The operation between the tonic method and the laxative method is called the flat tonic laxative method. Generally, upward scraping is tonic, downward scraping is cathartic. After scraping, warming moxibustion is tonic. After scraping, cupping is cathartic. In normal scraping, no matter what type of syndrome, it should start with supplementary scraping. Then, according to the size of the pressure according to the constitution and location, it will gradually transition to cathartic scraping, so that patients can have a process of adaptation. After scraping, be sure to keep warm and avoid catching cold, wind, etc.

Is scraping harmful to the body

1. Scrapping for pregnant women is prone to the risk of pregnancy, so scraping is absolutely prohibited for pregnant women, whether in the abdomen or waist.

2. There are many spots, papules or skin diseases on the skin surface. Scraping is easy to cause skin infection.

3. It can cause a large amount of blood to appear in serious wounds, which will lead to fracture, acute lumbar sprain and other conditions.

4. Scrapping can easily lead to the aggravation of related conditions. For example, patients with cerebral thrombosis or myocardial infarction will be in danger of life through scraping.

5. For people with bleeding tendency, scraping can cause severe hematoma under the skin, especially in patients with obvious complications in late diabetes, leukemia and aplastic anemia.

What are the benefits of scraping on the face

Scrapping belongs to the scope of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and facial scraping belongs to stimulation therapy. Under the stimulation, it can enhance the cellular immune function, promote local blood circulation, and improve metabolism. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the head is the meeting of all the Yang and the home of the Qing Yang. The essence of the five internal organs is injected into the head. Scrapping on the face can regulate yin and yang. The Internal Classic believes that yin is peaceful and yang is secret, and spirit is the cure. Exogenous evil qi and blocking meridians can lead to headache and dizziness, so facial scraping can treat exogenous headache or play a role in general health care.

Scraping can promote the expansion, congestion and even rupture of capillaries, on the one hand, it can remove evil; On the other hand, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the five zang and six fu organs have reflex areas on the face, which can accelerate the blood flow of local and corresponding zang and fu organs and make them unobstructed.

Is Scrapping Useful

Scrapping is useful and is currently a treatment for specific parts.

Scrapping is a method of scraping and massaging specific parts with certain tools, such as scraping board and scraping essential oil. Scrapping has many functions, such as removing moisture from the body, unblocking channels and activating collaterals, dispersing congestion, and promoting metabolism. In addition, it can also improve women's cold hands and feet, regulate qi and blood, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and improve frequent constipation. If scraping around the eyes can improve the congestion of this part, it also has a great effect on the treatment of dark circles and eye fatigue. Scrapping can also be divided into health care, beauty care and treatment. If you want to achieve a certain therapeutic purpose, it is recommended to go to a local regular hospital for operation. Scrapping is a common health care treatment method at present, which needs to be matched with certain Chinese medicine techniques and tools. It has played a lot of roles and achieved good results.

Rover 2024-06-17 10:34:07

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