The company responded that the employee poured too much water to the customer and was fired. Is it illegal to unilaterally terminate the labor contract

Still water depth Ask questions on 2024-06-14 04:56:56
Recommended answer

Without consultation, it is illegal. The news that an employee was fired because he poured too much water aroused public concern. When the employee was pouring water for a customer, he filled the cup too full, which caused the water to spill out, causing customer dissatisfaction. The company subsequently rescinded the employee's labor contract, causing widespread discussion.

Employees should abide by the company's rules and regulations and work processes when working. When an employee pours water for a customer, if he fills the cup and the water spills, it will undoubtedly affect the quality of customer service. The company's treatment of the employee is also reasonable. The key issue is whether the employee has violated the company's regulations. If the employee does not violate the company's regulations, it is illegal for the company to unilaterally terminate the labor contract.

How should the company deal with employees' violation of regulations? The company should communicate with employees to clarify their problems and tell them how to improve their behavior. If employees can actively correct their mistakes, the company should also give appropriate incentives and rewards to encourage employees to work better. The company can consider to terminate the employee's labor contract only when the employee still cannot meet the company's requirements after several improvements.

According to the provisions of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the company can only terminate the labor contract of employees if it meets the legal conditions. During the probation period, the company can unilaterally terminate the labor contract of the employee. After formal employees sign labor contracts, the company needs to follow the corresponding contract termination procedures, such as notifying employees in advance and negotiating with employees. If the company does not follow the corresponding procedures, it is illegal. In addition, the company also needs to consider the length of service of employees. According to the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Company should give priority to the length of service of employees when terminating their labor contracts.

Still water depth 2024-06-17 10:32:44

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