Hungry? Ten thousand people have a chance in a few seconds

Looking for a bosom friend Ask questions at 18:55:49, June 13, 2024
Recommended answer

The free time for hungry people is different for each game. For example, if you are free for 10000 people, you need to place an order within 5 seconds to have a chance. If you exceed the limit, you may not get a free ticket. Next, let's take a look at how to place an order for free!

Hungry? Ten thousand people have a chance in a few seconds

Time and number of free tickets:

09:03 (10000) Stable in 5 seconds

15: 33/17:03 (40000) Stable in 20 seconds

20: 23 (20000) seconds stable

According to yesterday's speculation, 10000 people will live in about five seconds. For reference only, see if the shield is thick!


Reference of free time on February 7

Scene 1 09:03 6.955

Scene 2 14:47 10.339 19952

Scene 3 15:31 10.185 people 19828 people

Scene 4 17:53 16.382 29735

Hungry? How to place an order for free

1. Write more remarks

2. You can choose Alipay WeChat payment and flash payment, click to place an order, and then go to CCB Life

3. You can get a millisecond version of Beijing time, watch the 59s and order

4. After placing an order, look at the past seconds and think it's OK to rush

Hungry? Free tips

1. Turn on traffic and order something a minute earlier!

2. Conditional friends, multiple mobile phones and multiple accounts compete together!

3. On the settlement page, wait for 3s to click again. Don't click all the time. Wait until the three loaded points are gone! You can exit and reenter.

4. Recommended brands:

The first echelon: Zhou Heiya, Naixue Tea, Wallace, Tastin, Guming.

The second echelon: Delux, McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Shuyishaoxian Grass, Zunbao Pizza, Ruixing, Starbucks.

5. Open a new account, or use a rarely ordered account, or register again after cancellation.

6. Success probability of placing an order Device: Android>Tablet>Apple

Looking for a bosom friend 2024-06-17 10:31:23

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