One piece of pineapple is black. Can I eat the rest

Reverse the current year Ask questions on 2024-06-13 20:44:37
Recommended answer

Pineapple is a common fruit in our life. It contains a variety of nutrients. Eating it in moderation is good for our health. Many people like to eat pineapple. The pineapple is black. If it is caused by oxidation, other parts can be eaten after removal. If it is caused by deterioration, other parts cannot be eaten.

One piece of pineapple is black. Can I eat the rest

1. Edible condition

The reason for pineapple blackening may be that the flesh has been in contact with the air for too long, leading to blackening, or the pineapple has become too mature, leading to blackening. In both cases, pineapple can continue to be eaten only if it is not rotten, but the taste may deteriorate.

2. Inability to eat

Blackening of pineapple is also considered to be caused by deterioration. In addition to blackening, pineapples can also have soft, juicy pulp and sour taste. Therefore, it is not recommended to continue to eat such pineapple, otherwise it will easily cause food poisoning.

How does the pineapple look bad

1. Smell

If the pineapple has alcohol smell or food goes bad after being stored for a long time, it indicates that the pineapple is bad, but if the pineapple still smells like fresh pineapple, then the pineapple is good.

2. Look at the appearance

Good pineapples are golden yellow or light yellow in appearance, emerald green in leaves and light yellow in flesh, while bad pineapples are dark brown in skin, and the flesh will also become black and rotten, which is inedible. However, sometimes the black thorns of some pineapples grow into the flesh because they are too mature. This part of the pulp is particularly sweet and not bad, but it is only a sign of the pineapple's full maturity.

3. Taste

The fresh pineapple not only has a strong and sweet smell, but also has a juicy and aromatic taste, leaving an unforgettable aroma on the lips. However, just smelling bad pineapples will make them feel bad, and they also have strange tastes such as sour and bitter. It is best not to eat such pineapple to avoid the following health hazards.

Pineapple can't be eaten with anything

1. White radish

It will not only destroy vitamin C in pineapple, reduce its nutritional value, but also promote the transformation of flavonoids contained in pineapple into dihydroxybenzoic acid and ferulic acid, which have a strong inhibitory effect on thyroid function, and can induce the onset of thyroid swelling.

2. Milk

Pineapple contains a lot of fruit yogurt, which contains a lot of protein. If both are eaten at the same time, it will affect the digestion and absorption of protein, which is not conducive to digestion. The fruit acid in Borneo will coagulate the protein in milk, affecting the digestion and absorption of protein. Not good for health.

3. Eggs

Because eggs contain a lot of protein, pineapple contains rich citric acid, which can coagulate protein, thus affecting the digestion and absorption of protein. Therefore, eating eggs and pineapple at the same time is not conducive to health. Pineapple contains pineapple prion enzyme, which can decompose protein in eggs and affect the absorption of protein by human body.

Reverse the current year 2024-06-17 10:33:52

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