How can I get rid of stretch marks

Love yourself Ask on 2024-06-18 21:01:43
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Gestational tattoos are a problem that our female friends are bound to have. Especially some pregnant mothers, pregnant mothers may have these problems. These problems need us to treat as soon as possible, otherwise they will become more and more serious. Many of us may not have a clear understanding of how to get rid of Gestational tattoos, Now let's learn how to remove stretch marks.

1. It is better to treat striae gravidarum as early as possible. The first two years after childbirth are the best time to repair striae gravidarum. It should be repaired at the first time after childbirth. If it takes a long time, you can use it for a long time. To really treat stretch marks, the general treatment method and other brand products are not good, and the effect is not obvious. However, I think "Mommy Beauty" has a good effect on removing stretch marks after childbirth, especially for stretch marks. It is the first choice of health products for mothers. It can remove stretch marks if it is not tight, and it is more elastic, more nourishing, and has no side effects. You can try it. It's very good.

2. Proper bathing: When bathing, insist on washing the corresponding parts with cold water and hot water alternately to promote blood circulation, apply stretch marks oil after bathing, and massage for about ten minutes (this method has a preventive effect, and is applicable to the time before stretch marks grow out)

3. Vitamin supplement: eat more foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus, strawberry, vegetables, etc., and eat more milk and dairy products rich in vitamin B6. 4. Adhere to massage: proper massage will help increase skin elasticity. 1. When you open your eyes in the morning, drink a large glass of cold water first, but do not drink it all at once, but swallow it one mouthful at a time. Cold water can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, It is very important to get the internal organs into working condition. In the morning, it is very important to discharge the garbage from the body. Soon after delivery, you will often be troubled by constipation. You may as well add a little salt to your drinking water. Proper drinking habits will speed up your "belly beauty plan".

4. Light housework is conducive to postpartum physical recovery, but the effect of postpartum aerobics may be more obvious. You can do abdominal muscle exercise in supine position and lumbar muscle exercise in prone position on the bed, which has a significant effect on reducing abdominal, waist and hip fat. Do exercises for two or three minutes every time, once in the morning and once in the evening.

5. Select suitable body shaping products. Some people prepare the abdominal girdle in advance before giving birth. When the child is born, he will wrap himself tightly from the crotch to the abdomen, so that it is very difficult to bend down. This does not help to restore the tension of the abdominal wall, but because of the increased abdominal pressure, the pelvic blood flow is not smooth, affecting health. It is advisable to choose the "high waist" design of postpartum shaping pants, which can stimulate abdominal fat, eliminate abdominal fat, and reshape the waist line that disappeared during pregnancy in an ideal position.

Love yourself 2024-06-20 11:14:18

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