What mascot will women wear in 2024

Tianshan Snow Lotus Ask questions at 15:13:01, June 15, 2024
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According to the order of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, 2024 is the natural year of the dragon. In this year, people who belong to the dragon will commit Taisui. Generally, they need to wear some mascots to ward off evil spirits. Girls can carry transfer beads, peace symbols and Buddha, and boys can wear red ropes, ancient coins and peach wood ornaments.

What mascot will women wear in 2024

1. Transfer bead - anti Taisui

The transfer bead is a transfer artifact suitable for Longnv to wear in the life year. For a dragon girl, in order to prevent the great harm caused by Po Tai Sui, you can wear transfer beads to solve the problem. The transfer bead is often made of gold or jade, honey wax, etc., which not only looks beautiful, but also has the effect of transporting for the wearer to eliminate disasters and difficulties, attract wealth and treasure, and ensure safety, and these three kinds of jade are consistent with those belonging to the dragon.

2. Red jewelry - festive

2024 is the life year of the Dragon Lady. It's hard to have a good life in this year. If you want to keep your life as stable as possible, you need to wear some accessories for transportation. Red jewelry is a good choice. Many people will have the habit of wearing red jewelry in this life year, or just wear some red jewelry. Red can not only give people a sense of joy, but also effectively remove bad luck and reduce the impact. For a dragon girl, it will be beneficial to have more exposure to red in the 2024 life year, which can effectively stabilize the fortune.

3. Safety Symbol - Health

A dragon girl is a person who pays special attention to her career development. She has always been focusing on her career. When she was young, she was in good health and might not have any diseases. However, as people grow older, especially when they meet their prime year, they will have physical accidents if they do not pay attention to the "sword edge" star.

4. The Buddha of Our Destiny - Strong Luck

No matter at any time, Buddha's jewelry can enhance their own fortune, and for the Dragon Maiden, their life Buddha is the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. If you can wear the jade jewelry of a Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, you will greatly enhance your fortune and help your ideal life. The life Buddha of the twelve zodiac signs created by Jizhao Hall, among which the life Buddha of the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva belongs to the dragon lady, and the Hetian jade is very suitable, which can enhance the fortune of the dragon lady.

For a dragon lady, what we need to do in this life year is to improve our good fortune and resolve our bad fortune. Therefore, Longnv can refer to the four transport objects listed above to help her luck.

What should men wear in 2024

1. Wear this life Buddha

In 2024, dragon people can choose to wear their own life Buddha. Due to the double influence of heart cultivation and life year, the comprehensive fortune model will be bad. If they do not experience the position, they will do things that violate the law and discipline, which will not only affect personal development, but also have a great stain. This life Buddha represents wisdom and morality. Wearing it during the life year of the dragon people will strengthen their moral values and maintain a firm position. No matter what temptation they encounter, they will stick to their own heart and remain unmoved.

2. Peach wood jewelry

In the year of 2024, the fortune of the dragon people will develop very badly, which will provoke rotten peach blossoms and even affect the stability of their emotional life because of other people's relationships. If you want to solve this situation, you need to wear peach wood jewelry, which can promote marriage, eliminate emotional crisis and consolidate feelings to a certain extent. Dragon people also need to increase their emotional input, firm their position, and refuse temptation in time to avoid causing too much damage to the marriage.

3. Red rope

Dragon men can also choose to wear the red rope in the 2024 life year. Red is always said to wear red in the life year in China. Red is an auspicious color of the system. Frequent contact can eliminate the negative energy around you and improve your personal aura. For those who are in poor health and have accidents, with the help of Red Rope, they will effectively avoid disasters and have more confidence in life development. Keep the red rope clean and tidy in the process of wearing it. Don't throw it away at will. A little carelessness will lead to. The Feng Shui effect has been destroyed.

4. Ancient coins

A dragon man will take the responsibility of supporting his family in his daily life. The development of wealth is extremely important. In 2024, he will be vulnerable to the influence of being too old. The development of wealth is particularly bad, and he will bear great economic pressure. If you want to improve your wealth, you can choose to wear ancient coins, which can play a role in turning bad luck into good luck, Their own products will also be significantly improved, and the road to wealth will be particularly smooth. However, if you still want to develop good consumption habits, you need to avoid spending money lavishly, cherish the fruits of labor, and then you can accumulate wealth.

What to pay attention to in 2024

1. Avoid being too impulsive

Dragon people need to avoid being too impulsive in 2024. Their personality is like rain when listening to the wind. They feel that there are opportunities everywhere in venture capital, and they often suffer serious losses. During this period, it is necessary to avoid being seduced by superficial phenomena. If someone invites investment or sees others being jealous of making money, you need to have your own ideas, do not listen to others' words, and have your own judgment ability.

2. Be patient

In 2024, the dragon people need to be more tolerant. In addition to being more tolerant in the workplace and business, they also need to be so considerate in love and marriage. Don't get angry when you disagree, pay more attention to communication and exchange, see the advantages of each other, and don't hold on to the disadvantages, Otherwise, it will make life unsustainable.

3. Pay attention to maintenance

The carefree behavior of the dragon people in their daily life, regardless of their own physical performance, will never cause any problems, but they need to pay more attention during the years when they turn too old, otherwise they will cause unexpected diseases. During this period, they need to manage their own body as well as not be too indulgent, to avoid smoking and drinking, and need to be strictly controlled, Otherwise, it will cause serious physical crisis.

4. Gossip

Dragon people also need to avoid talking about right and wrong in their life years. In the capitalist workplace, interpersonal relationships need to stay away from talking about right and wrong, don't talk about others, and don't express their views at will. Because many people like to talk loudly, they will inevitably offend others, resulting in poor development of fortune. The so-called curse comes from the mouth, and you need to keep your mouth shut. During this period, you need to wear a red rope to resolve the adverse effects.

Tianshan Snow Lotus 2024-06-17 10:41:41

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