What kind of fish is a fish without scales

Learn not to let go Ask questions on 2024-06-16 18:02:13
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Fish is one of the popular ingredients, and the appearance of fish often affects people's choice. The scale of fish is one of the most prominent features on their body surface, but not all fish have scales. In this article, we will introduce what kind of fish is a fish without scales? And I recommend 5 kinds of delicious fish without scales.


Salmon is a kind of scaleless fish and also a very popular food. Its body surface is covered with small scales, but these scales are very close, making people feel like there are no scales. The meat of salmon is delicate and delicious, which is very suitable for raw food or cooking.


Cod is also a kind of scaleless fish. Its body surface is covered with a layer of sclerotic tissue called skin flap, which can protect the body. The cod meat is tender and tastes light. It is very suitable for making stews, grilled fish and other dishes.

sole fish

The dragon fish is also called flatfish. Its body surface is covered with a layer of very small scales, which are very difficult to detect. The meat of Longli fish is delicious and tastes rich. It is very suitable for making raw dishes such as sushi and sashimi.


Sole is also a scaleless fish, and its body surface is covered with a layer of soft skin. Sole sole is fat and delicious, which is very suitable for barbecue or filling.

Spanish mackerel

Spanish mackerel is a scaleless fish. Its body surface is covered with small scales, which are very difficult to detect. Spanish mackerel has delicious meat and rich taste, which is very suitable for making steamed fish, stewed fish and other dishes.

Although fish without scales are different from scaled fish in appearance, they are also delicious ingredients. Moreover, when eating these scaleless fish, because they have no scales, it is more convenient to handle them. Of course, some people may have doubts about these fish because they lack scales, and think that they may have some unsanitary or unhealthy problems. However, in fact, fish without scales, like fish with scales, can be eaten safely as long as hygiene and food safety are paid attention to in the purchase and cooking process. In addition to the five kinds of scaleless fish described above, there are some other scaleless fish that are also very delicious, such as puffer fish, snapper, etc. However, no matter which kind of scaleless fish we choose, we need to pay attention to selecting fresh ingredients to avoid buying expired or smelly fish. At the same time, it is also necessary to strictly control the temperature and time in the cooking process to ensure that the ingredients are cooked thoroughly.

Learn not to let go 2024-06-17 10:34:04

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