Is there anything particular about ankle tattoos? What are the taboos for ankle tattoos

Drunken Beauty Knee Ask questions on 2024-06-14 05:27:22
Recommended answer

Try not to choose a place with less fat and muscle. Choose a place with more fat to reduce pain and avoid infection. To make the pattern more durable, it needs repeated operations every 1-3 months, which can make the whole color thinner.

1. What kind of patterns should be avoided for tattoos on ankles

Try not to choose red eyes or bodhisattvas, which may bring some bad luck to people, and the overall meaning is not very good. The meaningful figures, patterns and patterns can be appropriately selected, which is relatively good, and can also improve the visual effect. Generally, tattoos will exist on the surface of the skin for a long time after tattoos. If you want to change the tattoo pattern, you can only use the method of washing tattoos. There will be greater pain and it will always be unbearable.

2. What are the precautions after ankle tattoo

Generally, it is not allowed to touch water or take a bath immediately after the tattoo is completed, which can easily lead to infection and peeling of tattoo parts, and sometimes pain. In this special stage, do not buckle randomly, and try to keep it as dry as possible. After tattooing, you should pay attention to it for at least one week, and it can gradually return to normal later.

3. What does tattoo mean

In ancient times, tattoos were called tattoos, which meant drawing some pictures you like on your skin, which can become an eternal memory and retain the most beautiful moment in your memory. Originally, it was not exclusive to bad people. The tattoo pattern could be pictures, words, and generally pleasing themselves. It was a beautiful and sacred symbol, which could show personal charm or a manifestation of faith. Today's tattoos are relatively common. If you don't want to leave meaning in the workplace, it is recommended to choose some small patterns and hide them in a hidden place to avoid the impact of daily life.

Drunken Beauty Knee 2024-06-17 10:36:01

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