Can the mocha pot be heated in the furnace

Covet private storage Ask questions on 2024-06-13 15:24:32
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Mocha pots can be used to boil tea in an enclosed stove. It has a wide range of uses. If you want to achieve better results, you can actually buy a barbecue net suitable for an electric pottery stove. So, which level of heating is appropriate for the mocha pot? Zhongrui Encyclopedia will give you a detailed introduction!

Can the mocha pot be heated in the furnace

It is not recommended to heat the mocha pot in the furnace, because the mocha pot is usually made of aluminum or stainless steel, and these materials have good thermal conductivity. If the mocha pot is placed directly around the fire source, the bottom and side of the mocha pot may be subject to excessive temperature, resulting in burns or deformation. Therefore, it is recommended to heat the mocha pot on a stove or a special cooking equipment such as an induction cooker. If it is necessary to heat in the furnace, use a suitable mat with good thermal conductivity or a bracket with a mocha pot to reduce the temperature.

The mocha pot should be heated by several gears

Generally speaking, the mocha kettle does not need a special heating gear, because the mocha kettle is heated by the heat from the bottom of the stove, and the firepower is usually fixed. If you use an electric heating method such as an induction cooker, you can select a medium gear for heating to avoid excessive temperature causing coffee to boil. At the same time, in order to ensure the taste of the brewed coffee, the heating time can be appropriately prolonged, rather than affecting the effect of brewing coffee by adjusting the heating gear.

Does the mocha kettle put hot water or cold water

When using a mocha pot to make coffee, cold water should be put in, and then coffee powder should be put in. This is because if hot water is used, the pressure in the water tank will become higher, which may cause the pressure relief valve of the coffee pot to open before the coffee boils, so that sufficient pressure cannot be generated to allow the coffee to flow out smoothly. In addition, the use of cold water can also prevent the coffee powder from being scorched and affecting the taste.

Covet private storage 2024-06-17 10:34:07

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