What are the causes of cold hands and feet

Rose with thorns Ask questions on 2024-06-18 03:55:30
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What are the causes of cold hands and feet

What are the causes of cold hands and feet

There are three reasons for cold hands and feet: weak heart function, blocked blood vessels, hormone secretion disorders, women more than men.

To maintain the normal temperature of any part of the body, it is important to keep the blood flow unobstructed and sufficient. If the heart function is weak, the blood cannot be transported to the hands and feet that are far away from the heart, so it is easier to lower the temperature here than other parts of the body. People with heart disease, or those without heart disease, whose heart muscles are weak due to lack of exercise at ordinary times, are unable to pump blood. When blood reaches the hands and feet, it is insufficient, and the hands and feet will also be cold. If such people go to see Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine will say that their pulse is "deep and thin", which is a common pulse condition for people with such physique. If diagnosed with the concept of Chinese medicine, it is mostly "qi deficiency" or even "yang deficiency". The "qi deficiency" and "yang deficiency" in traditional Chinese medicine actually refer to the low function of organs, and even the lack of energy due to the low function will reduce the body temperature, which includes the function of the heart. Therefore, if your hands and feet are cold when you are very young, exercise is the most effective way to improve. If you are an old person or a weak person, you can use qi tonifying drugs and kidney tonifying drugs, which are actually to improve the tension of heart muscles and improve heart function.

Another reason is that the blood vessels are blocked. Although the heart is OK, the blood flow is blocked, and there is not enough blood flow locally. The natural temperature is lower, which is more common in the lower limbs. If one leg is cold, even the color of the skin has changed, the problem of thrombus should be considered. This is easier to see in the elderly, people who have diabetes before, and people who smoke heavily. If the cold leg is still less and less powerful when walking, it is more necessary to see vascular surgery, which may have the problem of vascular embolism.

Another reason is unique to women, which is hormone regulation disorder. This kind of person is particularly sensitive to cold. It is easy to get cold hands and feet, and fingers are more common. At the beginning, it often happens in winter and recovers in a short time, but gradually, it will attack when cold or emotional, mostly in both hands and fingers, and also in toes. First the fingers were cold, pale, purple, then red. If there is such a phenomenon, it should be considered that "Raynaud's syndrome" is a disease caused by abnormal vasoconstriction. It will become worse in the month * period, but it will become less serious when you are really pregnant, because it is related to hormone secretion. If the fingers or toes are placed in cold water at 4 ℃ for 1 minute, the above symptoms can be induced, or if the hands clench their fists for 1 minute and release them in a bending state, the above symptoms can also be induced, and the disease will last forever.

Rose with thorns 2024-06-20 11:22:46

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