Mistaken Ideas of Self treatment Constipation

Mature offspring Ask on June 18, 2024-23:05:37
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With the accelerated pace of life and the change of dietary structure, the incidence of constipation is on the rise in the inland urban population, while the high pressure of work and long-term mental tension are also one of the reasons for constipation.

Constipation due to high work pressure

Professor Yang Yuexin, from the Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out today that many patients have misconceptions about self treatment due to misunderstanding. The survey report on more than 400 nurses in a large general hospital in May this year provided by Professor Yang at the expert science symposium held here shows that the prevalence rate of constipation among nurses in internal medicine, intensive care unit and other departments with busy work and high pressure is more than 74%, while the incidence rate of constipation among nurses in geriatric department and blood department is only 26% and 17%.

She summarized three major misunderstandings of patients' self treatment:

One of the misunderstandings: take "laxatives" as a good prescription, and treat constipation with diet tea, fruit guide tablets, aloe, etc.

Although these drugs have obvious effects, they mostly contain a large number of ingredients that are extremely irritating to the intestines and stomach. Long term use of these drugs will cause atrophy of intestinal smooth muscle, destruction of intestinal mucosa and ganglia, colon lesions, and constipation deterioration. In addition, it can also lead to drug dependence and even cancer.

The second misunderstanding is that the lack of fiber is the cause of constipation. When constipation occurs, people only eat foods rich in fiber.

In fact, dietary fiber can not only help defecate, but also cause flatulence and abdominal pain. People with poor gastrointestinal function will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract if they eat more. Only the elderly, obese, pregnant women, etc. are advised to eat more coarse fiber food because of excessive intake of food, lack of dietary fiber, to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and enhance defecation ability. In addition, not all foods rich in dietary fiber have the effect of catharsis. For example, Chinese yam, which is warm in nature, will aggravate constipation if eaten more.

Mistake 3: When constipation occurs, greasy stool is not stained, and greasy meat products are easy to block the gastrointestinal tract, leading to indigestion.

The fact is that proper oil supplementation will not aggravate constipation, but will help lubricate the intestines. Meat is rich in vitamins, proteins, etc. A small amount of it can enhance metabolism, lubricate the intestines, maintain nutritional balance, and is beneficial to alleviate the disease. She stressed that studies have confirmed that probiotic yogurt containing B beneficial bacteria can shorten the intestinal transit time and significantly improve constipation, especially for the elderly and women.

Professor Yang suggested that we should develop healthy and reasonable eating habits and increase the amount of exercise. White collar workers should get up every 1 to 2 hours to exercise. When walking, we should increase the rotation of the waist and crotch, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and have obvious effects on constipation caused by gastrointestinal dysfunction and indigestion.

Mature offspring 2024-06-20 11:21:15

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