How to make honey pomelo tea?

Rush forward Ask questions on 2024-06-19 16:38:40
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In summer, many drinks become very popular, especially the honey and grapefruit tea, which not only has a sweet and sour taste, but also makes people feel cool. We usually go to the cold drink shop to buy ready-made ones. In fact, we can try to make them by ourselves. As long as we have the necessary materials ready, Xiao Bian will tell us about the specific methods in the next time.

Honey pomelo tea is not only fragrant and delicious, but also a kind of food with whitening, freckle removing, skin rejuvenating and skin nourishing effects. The L-cysteine contained in honey has a detoxification effect. People who often have acne can effectively alleviate skin diseases after taking it, with a certain freckle removing effect. Grapefruit contains high vitamin C, which has a certain whitening effect. Honey pomelo tea can combine these two effects very well. Regular consumption can clear heat, reduce fire and whiten skin.

The specific method of honey pomelo tea is: rub the surface of pomelo and lemon with salt, and then clean them; And wash the medlar. Peel the pomelo and lemon with a peeler, cut the peeled peel into thin slices and take half of the grapefruit, break it into chestnut sized pieces for standby. Just remember to use only half of the grapefruit. Squeeze the lemon juice. Stir the cut pomelo peel and white sugar and rock sugar evenly, add water and boil, and keep the heat low and simmer. Then boil until the peel becomes transparent. Add the removed pulp and Chinese wolfberry. It's easier to continue stewing the first half of the way. Turn it over every other time. The pulp will slowly separate into small particles. When the water is almost dry, turn it over with a shovel. Avoid pouring lemon juice into the paste pan after the water is dry. Continue to turn it over until the bottom of the pan is completely dry. The peel and pulp in the pan are completely transparent. Turn off the fire to cool, Add honey, mix well, put it in cans and keep it sealed. After that, you can take it out and brew it for drinking at any time.

After reading this article, everyone's first impression may be that it is troublesome to make honey pomelo tea. If you read it carefully for a second time, you will find that it can actually be made and you will believe in your own craftsmanship. And when I see so many benefits of this drink, I should like it more.

Rush forward 2024-06-20 11:24:36

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