Interpretation of the national medical insurance account book: what are the specific measures to benefit the people?

Richard's Home Ask on 2024-06-13 05:25:34
Recommended answer

Popularize the contracted family doctor service and telemedicine service system, strengthen drug price control, implement the overall medical insurance system for residents, and earnestly improve the sound development of the residents' medical security system. With the release of the national medical insurance account book, people gradually understand the financial situation of the national medical insurance. Medical insurance is the basic medical security system of the country. Its role is to enable all citizens to enjoy basic medical security. The release of the national medical insurance account book gives people a clearer understanding of the financial situation of medical insurance and the efforts made by medical insurance in benefiting people's livelihood.

It is reported that by the end of 2022, the cumulative income of national medical insurance will reach 5.13 trillion yuan, the total expenditure will be 4.91 trillion yuan, and the balance will be 2.2 trillion yuan. This balance is cumulative, that is, it includes the balance of previous years. At the same time, the total assets of the national medical insurance fund reached 3.5 trillion yuan. The national medical insurance encourages the signing of family doctor services in order to improve the quality and efficiency of primary medical services and reduce medical costs. Under this measure, patients who participate in family doctor services can enjoy a series of services such as priority registration, diagnosis and treatment services, medical record management, etc.

Telemedicine service is a kind of medical service based on network technology, which enables patients to obtain professional medical services at home or elsewhere. This measure of benefiting the people was set up in response to the shortage of remote areas and primary medical institutions. Through telemedicine services, patients can get the same services as in hospitals without leaving home, and can also reduce medical costs.

Drug price is one of the most concerned problems when patients see a doctor. High drug prices not only make patients bear greater economic pressure, but also lead to increased medical expenses. Through the control of drug prices, the national medical insurance has guaranteed the rights and interests of patients in drug use and reduced the medical expenses of people.

Richard's Home 2024-06-17 10:32:47

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