I'll teach you the specific operation method of Jingdong Zhongzhuanfuqi

An old urchin Ask questions on 2024-06-16 02:54:40
Recommended answer

Many users are using JD. Do you know how to make fortune in JD? The following section shares the specific operation methods of making fortune in JD. If you are interested, please go to the following section to have a look!

1. Invite friends to help you get lucky: Every time you invite a friend, you can get 8-8888 lucky rewards. You can invite up to 30 friends every day!

2. Help your friends to earn good fortune: you can gain good fortune by visiting your friends' good fortune living room, but you can only gain good fortune three times a day in this way.

3. Wandering to earn fortune: You can get 10 fortune points by browsing official commodities every day, and you can get 90 fortune points at most every day.

4. Blessing of opening members: now you can get 2000 blessing points by opening JD plus members!

5. Daily blessing: When the daily blessing of users reaches the standard of 8882883888, the official will give a certain blessing value reward!

According to the specific operation method of making fortune in JD shared above, you should try it yourself!

An old urchin 2024-06-17 10:48:58

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