What are the beauty herbal teas

Half city snow Ask questions on 2024-06-17 10:32:10
Recommended answer

Beauty herbal tea is very important for female friends, because beauty herbal tea can help you maintain your beauty, and it is good for us to drink beauty herbal tea in our life to supplement vitamins and water, so we suggest that you should know the efficacy of beauty herbal tea. In life, the main types of beauty herbal tea are rose herbal tea and mint tea. I hope you can come to know about them.

Rose Tea

Ingredients: 15g roses, 3g Pu'er tea, and some honey.


1. First, put Pu'er tea in a bowl and pour boiling water into it.

2. Pour out the first tea and don't drink it. Add rose to the second bubble, and then add boiling water to brew it, and then add honey to cool it.

Efficacy: Most people drink Pu'er tea, that is, chrysanthemum plus Pu'er tea. However, when roses and Pu'er tea are brewed together, their fragrance is more pleasant than that of Jupu tea, and it can relieve chest tightness and annoyance. In summer, people are angry and angry, so you can drink more rose Pu'er tea, which has a good effect.

Ingredients of Ganoderma lucidum mint tea: 2 grams of Ganoderma lucidum (sliced), 5 grams of mint, 5 grams of cereal sprouts, and a little rock sugar.


1. Stir fry the sprouts until fragrant. Add 500g water and some rock sugar into the pot with Ganoderma lucidum. Boil until boiling.

2. Add mint and boil for 2 minutes, then turn off the fire and simmer for 5 minutes. When it is cool, it can be drunk.

Efficacy: This is a health tea suitable for summer, especially for students facing the exam season. Because staying at home all day reading, it is easy to make the qi and blood not smooth, and have symptoms such as irritable heat and qi deficiency. At this time, parents might as well boil a pot of Ganoderma lucidum mint tea, cool it and give it to the child to drink, so that the child can feel relaxed and refreshed.

The above details the types and effects of beauty herbal tea. I hope you can collect it, which is helpful for you to drink herbal tea at ordinary times. We should pay attention to the dosage when we drink beauty herbal tea at ordinary times, and we should know the brewing method of beauty herbal tea, so that we can fully use its value.

Half city snow 2024-06-20 11:24:16

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