The editor shares the graphic and text tutorial of setting traffic alerts in oppo find x.

leave behind Ask questions at 14:45:23, June 15, 2024
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Since some friends want to set traffic alerts in oppo find x, but they don't know how to operate it, the following short editor will introduce how to set traffic alerts in oppo find x
I hope that the graphic and text tutorial for setting traffic alerts in X can help you.

Graphic text tutorial on setting traffic alerts in oppo find x

1. First enter the oppo find x mobile phone desktop, find and open the system [Settings].

2. After entering [Settings], find [Dual Card and Mobile Network] and click Open.

3. Click [Daily Traffic Reminder], and set the daily traffic limit according to your needs.

For friends who want to set traffic alerts in oppo find x, just follow the above method!

leave behind 2024-06-17 10:45:21

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