What is the meaning of the error in signature of iQIYI members shared by the editor

Peace is bliss Ask questions at 04:50:31, June 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Recently, many netizens said that they had opened iQIYI members, but when they were preparing to watch the exclusive video for iQIYI members, they were unable to play the video, and a prompt appeared saying, "Sorry, this video cannot be played: member signing error!" To this end, many netizens said what is the meaning of iQIYI member signing error, and how to solve it?

Several solutions to the signature error of iQIYI members:

1. Turn off the player and wait a few minutes to half an hour;

2. Close related processes of iQIYI on the computer task manager;

3. If the above two methods do not work, just uninstall and reinstall.

Many netizens complained that I spent money to open members to enjoy better services, but this problem occurred when watching videos, which really made many netizens cry. It seems that iQIYI still needs to optimize its website more, and the server also needs to be upgraded.

Peace is bliss 2024-06-17 10:50:06

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