When does the peak period of A/H1N1 flow end? When will it end

Happy life Ask questions on 2024-06-13 21:44:09
Recommended answer

The infection will disappear 3 to 7 days after infection, and will basically end at the end of April. In recent years, many areas have been infected with influenza A, and influenza A has also broken out. People in schools and public places have been infected with influenza A (h1n1), so influenza A mainly refers to influenza A (h1n1), and the virus has caused human respiratory tract infection, whether through air droplets or indirect contact, It will lead to human body infection. How long can the peak period end?

How long can the peak period end

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How to prevent swine flu

During the peak period of swine flu, if there are many people infected with swine flu around, you must pay attention to carrying masks, cleaning, frequent hand washing and disinfection, and try your best to avoid going to places where people are crowded, such as movie theaters, where the air is still not circulating. People who have been infected should be kept away as far as possible, When you are at home, you should open windows frequently for ventilation, clean and disinfect everyday, drink more water, eat more healthy food, and eat lighter food. Do not stay up late to exercise, ensure good sleep, and improve the body's immunity and quality.

When is the peak of swine flu

In the winter and spring of each year, when the two seasons alternate, it is the high incidence period of influenza A infection. Because of the drastic changes in the seasonality, the virus will spread crazily among the population, and the susceptibility of the population will also increase. In the spring and winter, human immunity will be relatively weak. In addition, these two seasons are also the seasons with more population movements, It is easy to cause the spread of influenza virus.

Happy life 2024-06-17 10:34:01

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