How to set up only gift pickup messages in Yingke live broadcast How to set up only gift pickup messages

Half a Butterfly Loves a Flower Ask questions at 19:45:45, June 15, 2024
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Yingke Live is an online live dating platform. Many people like to follow their favorite anchors or make friends on this platform. Some friends are not very clear about many functions of this software, such as how to only receive gift pickup letters in Yingke Live. Now let's introduce the specific operation process.

1. First, open the personal interface in Yingke and click the "Settings" function below to enter.

2. After entering the setting page, click the "Notification Reminder" option to jump to the new page.

3. On the notification page, click the "Information receiving range" option.

4. Finally, on the message receiving range page, check "gift pickup only" to complete.

Half a Butterfly Loves a Flower 2024-06-17 10:39:47

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