How to take a bath? How to take a bath frequently in summer

Should not be reluctant Ask questions on 2024-06-18 05:42:44
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Summer is coming, and the weather is getting hotter. Some people sweat easily. When the weather is hot, they have to take several baths every day. How about taking a bath every day? How many baths? How long is the best time to take a bath? Here is a brief introduction.

Do you hurt your skin if you bathe too often every day? How about taking a bath often in summer?

How about taking a bath every day in summer?

In summer, the human body has strong secretion and sweats a lot, so it should be washed once a day. Those with fat body and strong sebaceous gland secretion can appropriately increase the number of baths.

Why not take frequent showers? This is because there is a layer of oil on the surface of human skin, which can protect and moisturize the skin. The frequency of washing is too high, especially the frequent use of shower gel or soap will inevitably damage the oil layer, resulting in dry skin, itching and other symptoms, and easy to lead to early aging of the skin.

Generally, if you don't sweat often or the conditions are good, you'd better not take a bath too often.

Too many baths can easily damage the normal skin structure. The outermost part of human skin is the stratum corneum, and the automatically exfoliated stratum corneum and the skin sweat mixed with skin grime are generally not much. Washing this part every day has a certain protective effect on the skin. But if you take a bath too often, the cuticle will be damaged, and its role in protecting the skin will be lost. The water in the skin cells will evaporate more easily, and the skin will be dry.

China has a vast territory and abundant resources. The climate conditions are different in different regions. In the south, the summer is hot and humid, and the body is prone to sweat. In addition, the environment temperature is high, and the body is prone to be sticky, often there is a sense of discomfort, even a feeling of poor sweating. In this case, the number of baths can be increased as appropriate.

In the north, the temperature is not very high in summer, so there is no need to take a bath frequently, just take a bath every day.

How long is the best time to take a bath?

The bathing time varies from person to person and the amount of exercise. Proper control should be carried out according to their specific conditions. In addition, attention should be paid to the water temperature. The appropriate water temperature can accelerate the metabolism of the human body, regulate the body, and excite the body. Generally speaking, hot water baths that can tolerate higher temperatures can reduce the concentration of lactic acid in the blood, However, if the water temperature is too high, it will cause fatigue due to high energy consumption in the body.

For most ordinary bodybuilders, the temperature of water for bathing is 40-42 degrees Celsius. The time is usually 10-15 minutes, and the longest time is not more than 20 minutes. It is better not to take more than two baths every day. Excessive bathing time and frequency will have the opposite effect on eliminating fatigue.

Take a bath in summer, but also adhere to the correct bathing sequence. The bath trilogy starts with the face, then the body, and finally the hair.

Because we have just started to take a bath, the temperature rises, and the pores open. If we wash our face at last, the accumulated dirt of a day will take the opportunity to enter the face, and acne will find you. And washing your face first can help you wash away all the dirty things, which is also conducive to whitening and moisturizing our face. Finally, washing your hair can make your hair moist in steam. So we should wash our hair first and take a bath last.

In summer, sweat glands secrete vigorously, and many people believe that frequent use of bath products can keep the body clean. But have you ever thought that excessive use of bath products will harm your skin? The skin of the human body is acidic, while most bath products are alkaline. Excessive use will destroy the acid-base balance of the skin, make the skin lack of oil protection layer, and easily cause various skin diseases. Therefore, bath products should not be used too much, but should be washed with water to keep the skin clean and healthy.

Never take a bath for 5 hours

1. When the blood pressure is too low. When bathing, the water temperature is relatively high, which can dilate the blood vessels of people. People with low blood pressure are prone to collapse.

2. After drinking. If you take a bath after drinking, your blood sugar will not be replenished in time, which may lead to dizziness, dizziness, general weakness, and even hypoglycemic coma in severe cases.

3. After hunger or a full meal. Bathing when hungry can easily cause hypoglycemia, even collapse and fainting. After a full meal, the skin surface blood vessels of the whole body are stimulated by hot water to expand, more blood flows to the body surface, and the blood supply of the abdominal cavity is reduced, which will affect digestion and absorption.

4. It is not advisable to take a bath immediately after work. Labor includes physical labor and mental labor. You should rest for a while before taking a bath. Otherwise, it is easy to cause insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain, and even syncope.

5. When you have a fever. When the body temperature rises to 38 ℃, the body's heat consumption can increase by 20%. The body is weak, and bathing is prone to accidents.

Conclusion: How about taking a bath every day in summer? The above editor has told you the answer. Don't wash too often in summer. Be careful! In addition, you should pay attention to safety when taking a bath. You can put some Chinese medicine or flower petals in the water, which can relieve fatigue!

Should not be reluctant 2024-06-20 11:20:29

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