Is the first service free after six months

Sailing around the world Ask on 2024-06-16 04:07:34
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Generally, when collecting the car, the 4S store will directly explain the rules of the first service. Some will do the first service in a few months, and some will do it after the mileage is reached. The 4S store salesperson will also call to remind the car owner to do the first service. Of course, the service provided by the salesperson at each 4S store will be different. If the first service period is missed, the first service will not be free.

Is the first service free after six months

Generally, the first service of a new car is calculated by kilometers, not by time. Generally speaking, the mileage of the first service is 1000 km or 5000 km, depending on the requirements of different brands. If the mileage you drive within 6 months does not reach the mileage of the first service, you can still enjoy the first service. However, if your mileage has exceeded the mileage of the first service, you will not be able to enjoy the free first service even if it is less than 6 months ago. It is recommended that you check your vehicle maintenance manual, understand the maintenance requirements of your vehicle, and carry out maintenance as required to ensure the normal use of the vehicle and extend its service life.

How long can the first service be delayed at most

Generally, the first service time of a new car refers to the time when the car needs to be serviced after a certain mileage or after a certain time. The specific time and mileage are generally specified in the new car maintenance manual. If the first service is not performed after the time or mileage specified in the maintenance manual, the normal use and maintenance of the vehicle may be affected. Generally speaking, it is better not to delay the first maintenance for more than one month, otherwise the vehicle warranty and warranty period may be affected. If you need to postpone the first service, it is recommended that you contact the dealer or vehicle manufacturer in advance to understand the specific situation and consult with professionals.

The car won't be free after the first service

The free period of the first service varies with different brands and models. Generally speaking, the free period of the first car warranty is 3 months or 5000 kilometers after purchase, whichever comes first. After this period, you may need to pay a certain fee for maintenance. However, you need to refer to the vehicle manual or consult the relevant dealer for specific conditions.

Sailing around the world 2024-06-17 10:34:01

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