I'll teach you how the Win7 computer card screen works

Laugh about the situation Ask questions on 2024-06-15 07:35:35
Recommended answer

After the Win7 system has been used for a long time, it is easy to appear the phenomenon that the screen is suspended. However, the card screen is not a big problem in the case of computer failure. Many users have to wait when they encounter a stuck screen when using the computer, because the computer will naturally return to normal after a while. How to solve this problem? Now let's talk about the solution of Win7 computer card screen.

The solution is as follows:

1、 It is recommended to adjust the virtual memory of computers with low configuration

1. Computer - Properties - Advanced System Settings - Performance Settings - Advanced tab - Virtual Memory - Change - Select the drive c to set, select the system management size, or select a custom size as needed - Settings - OK.

2. The anti-virus software has turned on all the monitoring. Turn on less monitoring or no monitoring. It is enough to check and kill viruses frequently. (The author uses avast antivirus software)

3. Close some startup programs. Start - Run - Enter msconfig - OK - Click Start - Start in the "System Configuration Utility" window. Except for the input method (Ctfmon) and anti-virus software, general programs can be closed.

4. The software or driver is incompatible with the system. It is recommended to reinstall the system or upgrade the driver.

5. There is a system problem or a trojan. Check the trojan and delete it. Download the Jinshan Guard.

6. Memory and video card, which may cause a crash (if the memory is too small, add a memory module, video memory is not enough, replace the video card, etc.).

7. High temperature of hardware such as CPU or graphics card is most likely to cause card and crash. (It is recommended to install Master Lu or dismantle the machine for dust removal)

8. The best way to repair the bad track of the hard disk and format the hard disk to repartition is to replace the hard disk.

2、 Incompatible crash caused by replaced new hardware.

Too many garbage files, too many disk fragments, etc. (use Rubik's Cube and other cleaning tools to clean)

The solution to the Win7 computer card screen is detailed here. I don't know how to solve the problem when the computer encounters a stuck screen. You can take a look at the above solutions! Maybe it can help you solve the problem of blocking screen. I hope I can help more people in need here.

Laugh about the situation 2024-06-17 10:50:06

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