Support the security umbrella for 200 million flexible employees

Rosette Ask questions on 2024-06-13 10:44:22
Recommended answer

For flexible employees, the security umbrella is to provide for the elderly, the sick and the injured. In recent years, with the development of the Internet and new technologies, flexible employment has increasingly become a trend. According to the new employment situation report issued by the Employment and Human Resources Research Center of Renmin University of China, China's flexible employment population has reached 200 million, accounting for more than 40% of the national employment. However, due to the special nature of flexible employment, they still have big problems and challenges in social security, labor rights and other aspects. Therefore, it has become an important issue to support the security umbrella for 200 million flexible employees.

There are many loopholes in social security for flexible employees. Flexible employees do not enjoy a sound social security system like traditional workers, such as medical insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, etc. This means that once flexible employees encounter an accident or lose their job source, their life will be in trouble. Because the income of flexible employment is not stable, it is difficult to pay the social security expenses according to the monthly income, and many flexible employees are facing the problem of being unable to participate in insurance.

There are some inequities in the labor rights of flexible employees. Flexible employees are often freelancers, part-time workers, temporary workers, outsourcing workers, etc. Their labor relations with employers are complex, and it is difficult to protect their labor rights and interests. There is often no formal labor contract signed, and wages, working hours and other aspects are not guaranteed. It is difficult to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in case of wage arrears, overtime, work-related injuries and other problems.

In order to solve these problems, a series of measures should be taken to provide an umbrella for 200 million flexible employees. Specific measures include:

1. We will improve the social security system. We should establish a suitable social security system for flexible employees, so that they can enjoy medical care, pension, unemployment and other security. It can be realized by paying social insurance premiums or adopting tax subsidies.

2. Establish a mechanism to protect the rights and interests of flexible employees. The legitimate rights and interests of flexible employees can be protected by establishing independent employment service agencies, setting up special labor contract templates, and strengthening supervision.

Rosette 2024-06-17 10:32:50

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