Do you need to soak in advance when cooking hot pot with tribute? Is it delicious

rose Ask on 2024-06-14 02:25:51
Recommended answer

Gongcai is a vegetable commonly used in hot pot, which has good taste and nutritional value. Whether the hot pot cooked with tribute dishes needs to be soaked in advance depends on the situation. Whether the hot pot cooked with tribute dishes is delicious depends on personal taste and preference.

Do you need to soak the hot pot with tribute in advance

Yes. When eating hot pot, add dry tribute dishes. If you want to rinse the pot, you need to brew it in advance. It will be more delicious if you do not brew it. If you do not brew it, the cooking time will be longer, and the taste will also be affected to some extent. Therefore, it will be more delicious if you eat it after soaking.

Is the hot pot cooked with tribute delicious

Although many vegetables can be used to rinse hot pot, most vegetables are only suitable for the bottom of the pot that is not hot, otherwise the vegetables that absorb the hot oil are really exciting. However, tribute dishes are different. They are resistant to cooking and can also be served in hot soup. The taste is still crisp and does not absorb the spicy taste, which is why they are often seen in hot pot in Sichuan and Chongqing. When boiling hot pot, first soak the dried Gongcai in boiling water for half an hour, then cut it into small pieces and boil it in the hot pot for a few minutes.

Do you want water for the tribute

1. Cold dressing of tribute dishes needs to be blanched with boiling water.

2. Most of the tribute dishes bought on the market are dehydrated. Soak them for a period of time before eating, and then blanch them for 3-4 minutes to allow them to absorb water. The taste is better. However, if you prefer a crisper taste, you can also directly mix them cold after soaking.

Can I eat the Gongcai raw

The tribute can be eaten raw, but it is not recommended.

Gongcai is a vegetable with high nutritional value. Raw Gongcai does not contain toxic substances. Eating it raw will not lead to human poisoning, so it can be eaten raw.

rose 2024-06-17 10:32:50

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