How long does it take to cook the bamboo shoots

The sea is upside down Ask questions on 2024-06-13 16:06:07
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Bamboo shoots are a popular food in our life. They taste good and have high nutritional value. Eating them in moderation is good for our health. Many people like eating bamboo shoots. There are fresh and sun dried spring bamboo shoots. Fresh spring bamboo shoots can be boiled for 10-15 minutes, while dried spring bamboo shoots can be boiled for 30 minutes.

How long does it take to cook the bamboo shoots

1. Fresh bamboo shoots

Fresh bamboo shoots need to be scalded for about 5 minutes before they can be taken out. Then add some ingredients and cook for 10-15 minutes before eating.

To make the bamboo shoots, first boil the water, pour the fresh bamboo shoots into the boiling water, and remove them after about 5 minutes (at this time, the bamboo shoots are cooked for about 5 minutes), then wash the oil in the pot, pour the scalded bamboo shoots into the oil pot, stir fry for one minute, pour a small bowl of water, cover the pot, and boil for about 10 minutes. Remove the lid of the pot, add salt, MSG and some soy sauce, stir fry twice, and then the pot will come out.

2. Dry Spring Bamboo Shoots

The dried bamboo shoots need to be soaked for about 4 hours in advance, and then boiled for about 30 minutes before being cooked.

Preparation steps: dry clean the soaked bamboo shoots before cooking. When washing, squeeze the water out of the bamboo shoots, and then refuel in the pot. Pour the washed bamboo shoots into the pot and stir fry them twice. Pour in two small bowls of water, cover the pot, 30 minutes later, open the lid, add some sauce, stir fry a few times, and then out of the pot.

What are the benefits of eating spring bamboo shoots

1. Increase appetite

Spring bamboo shoots contain rich nitrogen substances, which not only have a refreshing aroma, but also can help people appetizers, invigorate the spleen, achieve the effect of improving appetite, which is very helpful to the problem of anorexia. There are many cooking methods for spring bamboo, and the recommended recipes include spring bamboo tenderloin, stir fried spring bamboo with ginger and scallions, and chopped peppers.

2. Intestine unobstructed

Bamboo shoots are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, prevent constipation, reduce intestinal pressure, and soften feces. They can be used to treat constipation and other symptoms. However, there is also a large amount of insoluble oxalic acid in the bamboo shoots, so it needs to be boiled with light salt water before frying.

3. Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

The cellulose in the bamboo shoots can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood, and has a certain prevention and treatment effect on hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, etc.

4. Enhance disease resistance

The amino acids contained in the bamboo shoots can effectively promote protein synthesis, increase protease activity, strengthen the immune system and enhance the disease resistance of the body.

5. Weight loss and fitness

Spring bamboo shoots belong to low-fat, low sugar, multi fiber food. Eating bamboo shoots can absorb a lot of body fat, reduce fat storage, and achieve the goal of weight loss and fitness.

How to choose spring bamboo shoots

1. Look at the bamboo shoot shell

Generally speaking, tender yellow is the first choice, because the shells of some or newly grown bamboo shoots are usually yellow, and their pulp is particularly fresh and tender.

2. Bamboo Shoot Meat

The whiter the color, the more crisp and tender. The quality of yellow bamboo shoots is low, while that of green bamboo shoots is poor.

3. Watch the Bamboo Shoots Festival

The closer the nodes of fresh bamboo shoots are, the more delicate their meat will be.

4. Look at the body of bamboo shoots

The bamboo shoots with large stems and small tails have more meat and less shell, which are particularly crisp, sweet and tender.

The sea is upside down 2024-06-17 10:34:04

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