Which sectors are good for reducing stamp duty in the stock market

Let go of yourself Ask questions on 2024-06-16 04:50:41
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Once the stock market chooses to reduce the stamp tax, it means that it will be effective for many sectors, such as the financial sector, the real estate sector, the consumer goods sector, the insurance sector, the financial sector, the printing and packaging sector and the technology sector. However, it is not clear whether the stamp duty will be reduced. We can only choose to be patient and wait. Once implemented, it will have a better effect for everyone.

Financial sector and real estate sector

Stamp tax is a transaction cost of current securities trading. Reducing stamp tax can effectively promote the increase of securities trading activities, and can effectively enhance the income and trading volume of financial institutions. Stamp duty is one of the expenses in the current real estate transaction. After reducing the stamp duty, it can reduce the cost of buying houses, promote the rise of house prices and promote the activity of the real estate market.

Consumer goods and insurance

The reduction of stamp duty can bring liquidity, so that more funds can enter the real estate market and the stock market, which will inevitably lead to the rise of the real estate market and the stock market, and can effectively promote consumer spending. Stamp tax is one of the costs of insurance product transactions. It can effectively reduce stamp tax, improve the profits and sales of insurance companies at present, and effectively increase the purchasing power of insurance consumers. As one part of the financial industry, securities companies will also benefit from the reduction of stamp duty. Many securities trading activities mean that they can obtain more commission income, allowing securities companies to have more profitability.

Printing, packaging and technology

The reduction of stamp duty can effectively promote financing activities in the right market, and increase the demand for printing services and packaging. With the development of automation and digital development of securities trading activities, the scale will gradually increase. Technology companies will also benefit from securities trading activities, which can effectively promote the development of education platforms and related technologies to a certain extent. From these aspects, the decrease of stamp duty can bring many positive effects to the market.

Let go of yourself 2024-06-17 10:32:47

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