How to type the word "no"?

Heart to heart Ask questions on 2024-06-14 01:51:51
Recommended answer

1、 Using Japanese IME

In most Japanese input methods, such as the common Microsoft IME (Input Method Editor) and Google Japanese Input Method (Google Japanese Input Method), you can type "no" by directly entering the Roman character "no". The specific steps are as follows:

Turn on Japanese IME.

Enter "no".

Select "No" from the displayed options.

2、 Use Pinyin IME

In most Pinyin input methods, such as Sogou Pinyin, Baidu Pinyin, etc., you can also enter "de" or "no" directly to type the word "「". The specific steps are as follows:

Turn on Pinyin IME.

Enter "de" or "no".

Select "No" from the displayed options.

Different input methods may have different corresponding rules for Roman characters. Please refer to the help document of this input method for details.

3、 Other Skills

In addition to the above two methods, you can also type "sno" directly on the English keyboard, and then use the number keys to select "3" to type the word "「". In some specific software or games, such as Minecraft or some specific text editors, there may also be special shortcut keys or commands to type the word "「".

Heart to heart 2024-06-17 10:40:13

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