Can 18k gold be refined? Can 18k gold be melted and remade

Wandering Plum Garden Ask questions on 2024-06-14 09:01:07
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It is said that there is a certain amount of gold in this 18k gold, so can this 18k gold be refined into gold? If you melt 18k, can you remake jewelry?

Can 18k gold be refined into gold

sure. According to the information about gold, 18k burning gold can be purified. 18K gold can be refined into gold, which can be processed, but the processing difficulty is higher than that of pure gold. 18K gold is a gold alloy containing 75% gold, and the dissolution temperature is higher.

Can 18k gold be melted and redone

Generally, 18k gold can be remade and sent to the local regular gold shop for processing, but it requires a certain cost, is difficult to process, and the color is not easy to control. However, the jewelry produced is stable in nature and not easy to oxidize, which is mainly based on personal needs.

Does 18k gold need maintenance

1. When wearing 18K gold inlaid diamond ring, try to avoid contact with chemicals. The primary color of 18K gold is golden yellow, while the white 18K gold we see is the color after electroplating.

2. Avoid collision or friction between the diamond ring and hard objects such as metal. Although the diamond is hard, it may be cracked. Precious metals such as 18K gold and platinum will also leave scratches due to friction, or will be extruded and deformed, resulting in an unsightly diamond ring.

3. Avoid placing the diamond ring in an excessively cold or overheated environment. Metal has the property of thermal expansion and cold contraction, so the diamond ring will be affected by temperature. Placing a diamond ring in an excessively cold or overheated environment will affect the firmness of the diamond inlay, and may even make the diamond loose and fall off, causing unnecessary losses.

4. Always use a soft cloth to gently wipe, but do not use hand sanitizer containing chemical ingredients. They do too many things and inevitably have to contact many things. Therefore, diamond rings are more vulnerable to dust or oil pollution.

What does 18k gold mean

Gold 18k refers to the alloy with 75% gold content. Pure gold can be divided into 24 points, 24kgp is full gold, and the gold content of 18k gold is 18/24. 18k gold is mixed with some other metal substances, so its hardness is improved and its color is more abundant, which is widely used in the jewelry industry.

Wandering Plum Garden 2024-06-17 10:31:30

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