Let me share the detailed handling tutorial of the failure to open the Win10 system quick start function.

Fairy tales are all false Ask questions on June 15, 2024-18:23:40
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Now many new users of the Win10 system say that they will still encounter some problems in the process of using the Win10 system. For example, they cannot handle the problem of the failure to open the quick start function of the Win10 system. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to handle the failure to open the quick start function of the Win10 system.

Detailed handling tutorial of Win10 system quick start function opening failure

1. Press WIN R to call up the running dialog box, and then enter gpedit.msc
Enter, open the policy group, and then expand Computer Configuration - Management Template - System - Shutdown. Double click the "Quick Start Required" on the right, and set it to "Enabled", as shown in the first figure

2. With the task manager, we can simply test whether it is successful. We can check the uptime to see whether it is quick start or hibernation is used;

3. When we turn on power management again, we can see that the settings in the policy group have replaced the quick start option in power management. In power management, quick start is not settable.

Fairy tales are all false 2024-06-17 10:46:28

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