Can the compass be used by the moon? Can the compass be used in the universe

Mature offspring Ask questions at 17:52:31, June 13, 2024
Recommended answer

Although the compass can be used on the moon, there is no way to distinguish the southeast from the northwest. The inside of the moon is like an egg. It will contain eggshell, egg white and yolk. According to the inspection, it will be found that the moon does not have global assets, which means that there is no way to distinguish the direction on the moon with a compass, and the interior of the moon has long been solidified.

Why can't the compass be used on the moon to indicate the direction

The moon does not have a global magnetic field, and only a part of it will have weak magnetism, which may be the residual magnetism left after being magnetized by the lunar magnetic field. However, an American astronaut can find that the strength of the magnetic field around the moon is less than 1/1000 of the strength of the earth's magnetic field. Such weak magnetic field strength has no effect on the compass, and even if it is used, it cannot indicate the direction.

Why can't you see the back of the moon

The moon is the only natural satellite on the earth, orbiting the earth at 3683 kilometers per hour, with a cycle of 27.3 Earth days. The rotation period and revolution period are identical, which is also called synchronous rotation. Since the moon rotates once in a circle, it means that we have no way to see the surface of the moon on the earth, and never have a chance to see the back side of the moon. Every day on the earth is 24 hours, and a day on the moon is equal to 27 days on the earth, so we have no chance to see the back.

Discovery of magnetic phenomena

In the pre Qin period, some common people have found this phenomenon. For example, when people are looking for iron ore, they sometimes encounter some magnetite. The ingredient inside is ferric oxide, a black crystal, also known as magnetic iron oxide. There are obvious records in many historical chapters, such as in the Shanhaijing. The characteristics of magnets have long appeared in front of people's eyes and have been found by everyone. In ancient times, many people would use magnets to effectively complete their daily work. This shows that this is very useful and can be effectively satisfied with the use of life.

Mature offspring 2024-06-17 10:41:24

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